Our second day in San Diego proved a memorable experience. We hopped on the Ghosts and Gravestones bus and headed for old town.

The late Wyatt Earp was our tour guide. Why Wyatt Earp you might ask? After fame and fortune found Mr. Earp in Tombstone, Arizona, he settled in the burgeoning city of San Diego where he ran four saloons in the Gaslamp Quarter.
We toured the historic El Campo Santo Cemetery and heard stories of a few of the people interred there. We were told to check our photographs carefully for orbs — mysterious spots of light that supposedly represent the energy of a spirit. Not one orb appeared in our pictures. Couldn’t help but snap a photo of another visitor—a (mostly) black cat—the sure indicator of a lucky day.

From there it was on to the Whaley House—the most haunted home in America. We had a great guide who filled us in on the rich history of the house, built directly atop the site of local hangings. The guide suggested we make an effort to use all our senses while touring the home. Not all ghostly encounters are visual.
As always, I was fascinated with the nuts and bolts of living in another era. Here’s another great period kitchen.

When’s the last time you heard someone hum? People don’t seem to do that anymore. My recollections of hummers involve people absentmindedly humming as they work. As I stood at the bottom of the Whaley House staircase looking into the guest room, I heard the unmistakable sound of a woman humming. I looked around. There were people nearby, but humming is not exactly something a person does while touring a house with others.

I decided to ask our tour guide if people had reported humming. He said no, but when I relayed my experience, he asked if the humming was right in my ear. I realized it was. I only heard the sound in my right ear, which was near the door jamb. He said my account gave him goosebumps. Did I hear a ghost? It’s fun to think I did.

We finished our tour with an excellent Mexican lunch, complete with Margaritas. And no, I had the Margarita after I heard the ghost.
That’s it for this California Cruise.