Category «My Writing Journey»

Before Dr. Spock

Long before Dr. Spock’s attempt to document the “correct” way to raise psychologically healthy children, many authors published medical science of the day for use by housewives. Knowing I was interested in times past, my mom brought me Wife and Mother or Information for Every Woman from my aunt’s yard sale. Published in 1886, the …

Out With the New, In With the Old

I’ve decided I like old news better than new news. Let me explain. A few years ago, I needed some background information on a vintage story and stumbled across a website containing historic California newspapers. This quickly became one of my favorite sites. It wasn’t only historical information, it was the day-to-day commonplace details that …


I entered a nationwide writing competition last year. The winner would be featured in a national publication. Runners up would have their work published on-line and in eBook format. The word limit was 3,000—a story much shorter than I normally write. After previewing my epic in my writing group, I sent it along to a …

Starting a New Book

I’ve been working on a short story, hopefully, the first of a series. My initial goal was 10,000 words but these people just didn’t cooperate. They got too interesting! As I approached 20,000 words, I felt the need to research parameters for a short story. Technically, they can be anything from 1,500 to 30,000 words. …

Start with Nancy and Booger

It’s something new in my life—people saying, “I’m reading your book.” What does that mean? Do they think I’m some sort of lunatic for letting people read what I write? Are they impressed I even wrote a book? I’m never quite sure how to respond. “Keep up the good work!” or, “Tell your friends!” I …

My Editing Process

On to the nuts and bolts of my personal editing process. The first layer of editing happens after I’ve stepped away from my stories for a while so I can read them with a fresh eye. It’s always obvious my sentences are too wordy. I cut a lot of words out or substitute others. This …