I thought wallpaper was making a comeback. Design shows have been featuring the latest in graphic, linear designs. I’ve always loved it. It’s easy to keep clean. I like having pattern on some of my walls. Of course, my wallpaper looks a bit more like something you would find in Grandma’s attic.

Look at this fantastic antique paper. I snapped a shot of this while touring the Davis house in the Lamplight District of downtown San Diego. Isn’t it fabulous? The corners of the ceiling were also papered.

Recently, I had to strip a whole piece of wallpaper off a wall in my living room due to a roof leak. It got saturated and started to come down on its own. The wall beneath is kind of a mess. I scraped old loose paint and plaster and removed all the old paper. Fortunately, I over-ordered wallpaper back in the day and I had more than enough to hang a new strip. I also appreciate the camouflage aspects of wallpaper—something I never thought much of before. I imagine all the walls look much like the one I uncovered—a giant mess!

Off I went to my local big box home improvement center. Guess what? They haven’t carried wallpaper in years. They had a modest display of wallpapering products, that was it. No sizing. If you are old enough to ever have hung wallpaper, you know sizing goes on a wall before the paper. The clerk suggested I look on-line where wallpaper is also still available. Say, I wonder if there’s anything comparable to my flowery papers?
Thank goodness for True Value Hardware. They not only carry sizing, they actually know what it is!

Here’s the wall, all put back together. No one would ever know all that ugliness was underneath. Shhhh! I won’t tell if you don’t.