Literally, the moment I finished wrapping my last present, The Hallelujah Chorus started playing from my music list! I actually enjoyed wrapping this year—no gift bags, all boxes with coordinated red and white paper and ribbons. It was the fact I was ready for Christmas with that last gift that made the music so appropriate.

When my mom was still alive, it was hard to decide whether to fold up Christmas before or after her birthday, January 9. In recent years, I’ve committed to keeping decorations up until 12th night, January 6, which is also Epiphany when the Wise Men showed up in Bethlehem. It makes for a leisurely approach to ending the holidays, a time to take a breath, relax and enjoy the decorations and all the leftovers.

I saw this great list on social media called Nine Ways to Relax During the Holiday Season. Actually, they are great ideas for anytime. I think they’re particularly useful for this stretch of time after Christmas. Maybe things have been incredibly hectic. As hard as I try to be prepared at least a week early, it’s hard to plan for the unexpected.

My last hosting of a Christmas event this year was Christmas Eve brunch. The theme was Santa. There’s a whole lot of red on that table, there.
Here are the relaxation tips. Maybe they don’t all work for you, but it’s not a bad idea to pick a couple and try them out, if only for a weekend. Of course, if you’re hosting a party for New Year’s, you might have to wait another week!
- Take time away
- Give yourself permission to be lazy
- Sleep in
- Reconnect with nature and art
- Seek solitude to recharge
- Take a break from responsibility
- Be still and decompress
- Find your “safe space”
- Take time alone at home
So I thought I’d share some of my leisurely activities.

I’ve been watching baking challenge shows on TV and they really make me feel creative. I couldn’t resist making tea sandwiches shaped like Christmas bells, plopping bits of lettuce from our garden for holly and using tinted cream cheese for berries.

I finally got the border on a Christmas quilt I started last year. I was about to get it ready to quilt when I realized I don’t have a backing. I might need to take a run to the fabric store tomorrow so I can complete this one

The little quilt above was one I managed to finish in time to use.

There’re books to read and Christmas puzzles to do.

I have a whole bin full of undone Christmas projects. Have you seen ceramic pieces stuffed with vintage decorations? I bought these two mugs from antique stores with that in mind. I might have to devote an afternoon to decking them out so they’ll be ready to display next year.
Here’s wishing you time to relax and unwind, take pleasure in favorite activities and find the peace and joy that might not be possible in the pre-holiday rush. It’s still Christmastime!