Just when I thought we couldn’t do anything more challenging, we headed off to Caesar’s Head State Park. First, we did an easy loop.

I’m not a car person, but this beauty was parked near the trail head.

We were on a granite ledge in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The incredible view is North Carolina.

Tight quarters between two immense granite walls.

Another great view on the other side of Devil’s Kitchen.
This seemed a long drive for a short walk so when I noticed there was a nearby waterfall, I asked about going there. Quite responsibly, Wendy checked with a ranger who told her the hike was their family friendliest with mostly flat trails. It would take an hour to complete the 2.2 mile hike each way. I didn’t think Carl was going to make it for 15 minutes. Three hours later, we dragged ourselves back to the car.

Roots, rocks and stairs made a challenging hike. I’m not good at uphill walking. This should have felt like completing a marathon for old people. We were victorious! We made it! Yet, it wasn’t that exhilarating. We were more bedraggled than jubilant.

There goes Carl.

The highest waterfall in South Carolina at 400 feet—Raven Cliff Falls.
The waterfall was magnificent from the viewpoint but we weren’t all that close and not about to attempt the even longer trail to the base of the falls. My idea was a poor choice and we didn’t have time to tour the plantation we planned to visit. That will have to wait for another visit.
We were certainly out in nature and have certainly seen the forest.

Hightailing it out of the forest on a very nice part of the trail.
After seeing pictures of Caesars Head in autumn, it would be tempting to return. Would we attempt the waterfall view again? Probably not.
I was pretty sure Carl would not go for anymore waterfall hikes, but you never know.

This is Ken and Carol’s new house. Note the sunny, clear day. We were exceptionally lucky to have so many beautiful days, not the norm in Greenville. They have had several serious storms since we left. In fact, the good weather evaporated once we boarded the airplane for home. I guess we took it with us.

Here’s a view into the backyard. That outcrop of rocks in the middle of the picture is where most of the fireflies have been. A creek runs along the line of trees.

A view of the back of the house with the patio. Planting of beds and pots is in process. They’ve only been in the house since February.

Ken and Carol seated in the sun room. That’s the back of Carl’s head again. We spent most of our time here when we weren’t exploring. Serious cards happen at that table and the view is terrific.
Dinner was at a great steak restaurant called Arizona Grill where I had the best fried green tomatoes I’ve ever had along with a really nice prime rib. We played Bolivia until about 10 and called it a day. There were more fireflies!