Gardening During the Days of Covid

Since gardening is considered essential, a trip to the nursery was a treat in 2020 here in Los Angeles County. I was astounded the first time we visited because there was not a single seed packet available. I inquired if they were about to restock and was told everyone on earth had taken up gardening …
A Brief History of Easter Traditions

I decided to wander through the internet in an attempt to understand current secular Easter traditions. I’ve always wondered how bunnies and eggs became part of that day. Wow, what controversy! I discovered Eostre (pronounced E-O-ster), the Germanic Goddess of Spring. In theory, her name evolved into the Christian festival of Easter even though Easter …
Time for Lovely Days

We’ve been on lockdown here in Southern California for some time. As I mentioned previously, I haven’t been feeling particularly creative. That hasn’t changed. But it’s time to put that mood aside and do a new blog—FINALLY! What to write about? We’ve hardly been anywhere although we do see family and we had almost normal …
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words – For Today

It wouldn’t be fall without Halloween, at least not at our home. A small band of trick-or-treaters will launch their quest for sweet confections from our house. How big a haul there will be remains to be seen. We’ll attempt to provide an alternate activity sure to stuff the candy coffers and provide a bit …
Shopping Freedom

Hope you’re finding a way to flourish during this pandemic. I must admit, I’ve found hunkering down is not very conducive to creativity. It would seem the perfect opportunity for days spent in imagination, but that wasn’t the way it worked for me, anyway. So as stores have begun to open, I felt it my …
Summers Past and the Stash

As you know, I’ve been cleaning things out. I’m actually making steady, if slow, progress. It’s been fun to uncover treasures from my youth. I greatly enjoy the old photos I’ve been sorting. Thought I’d share with you. Having totally forgotten about this little treasure, it was a delight to come across my truly tiny …
Doll Face Masks
My Easter Oddity

Despite all that’s going on in the world, Easter is just around the corner. Family celebrations might be digital this year. In an effort to be as “normal” as possible, I’ll be decorating as I always do. I am nuts about holidays. Ask anybody. From October through April, my house is decorated for one holiday …
Hunkering Down

Those are two words I never thought I’d write in a blog. How are you coping? I’ve listened to a lot of sermons in my life. Frankly, few are memorable, but one from my youth seems appropriate. The pastor reminisced about an old friend, a fellow-pastor from Great Britain. During the Second World War, he …