Category «History»
The St. Francis Dam Disaster

I was intrigued by an outing to the St. Francis Dam site. Having traveled up San Francisquito Canyon several times over the years, I was always frustrated by the fact I couldn’t tell where the dam had been. My curiosity was further aroused after reading Heavy Ground: William Mulholland and the St. Francis Dam Disaster …
It’s Still Fall, Y’all!
Aw, Nuts!
Starting a New Book

I’ve been working on a short story, hopefully, the first of a series. My initial goal was 10,000 words but these people just didn’t cooperate. They got too interesting! As I approached 20,000 words, I felt the need to research parameters for a short story. Technically, they can be anything from 1,500 to 30,000 words. …
A Trip to the Past

It was off to the San Fernando Valley to spend a bit of time in the past—the valley’s past and our past. My husband and I visited the recently refurbished North Hollywood train depot so I could take some pictures. This station is of particular interest because it provides a setting for my upcoming book, …
Dating Advice

Recently, I found an article recommending couples should return to old ways of courtship to keep their relationship fresh and alive. Certain I’d discovered a source of vintage dating information, I eagerly read the seven points listed. I was quickly disappointed when all seven suggestions boiled down to one simple statement: put away the electronics …