Tag «antiques»

In Search of Quirky

I remember the good old days when it was easy to find a nearby, quirky, fun store. Collectibles have become passe. People aren’t decorating their homes for holidays as they once did. All my eccentric little stores have fallen by the wayside. Even Barbara Cheatley’s went out of business last year. It seems antique stores …

Promises, Promises

Well, I did promise a blog about antique finds. I just didn’t know how long it was going to take to write it! So here goes. It’s summer and what says summer better than a sunflower? This one’s a volunteer in the front yard. It doesn’t exactly fit where it grew but what a stunner! …

Shopping Freedom

Hope you’re finding a way to flourish during this pandemic. I must admit, I’ve found hunkering down is not very conducive to creativity. It would seem the perfect opportunity for days spent in imagination, but that wasn’t the way it worked for me, anyway. So as stores have begun to open, I felt it my …