Tag «decorations»

Top ‘O the Mornin’

I was surprised to find I’ve never done a St. Patrick’s Day blog. So let’s share a wee bit ‘o history and decorations. St. Patrick was born in Roman Britain, kidnapped by Irish pirates and sold into slavery at age 16. He was forced to tend sheep for his master Milchu, an Irish pagan Druid …

My Twelve Days of Christmas

Literally, the moment I finished wrapping my last present, The Hallelujah Chorus started playing from my music list! I actually enjoyed wrapping this year—no gift bags, all boxes with coordinated red and white paper and ribbons. It was the fact I was ready for Christmas with that last gift that made the music so appropriate. …

My Time with Dudley

Who is Dudley, you might ask. It’s not a name you hear much anymore. I don’t know if this is a common problem with crafters, but I tend to start projects and abandon them. Such is the case with Dudley Butterball. One of the truly nice things about home renovation is that everything gets cleaned …

Trick or Treat

My family was not very “into” Halloween. When I would ask my mom about my costume, her yearly response was, “Go in the bin and find something to wear.” The bins were wooden window seats under the den windows with tops that flipped open. My toys were in one bin, old clothes and keepsakes occupied …

May Day or Ding Dong Ditch, Anyone?

Before socialists, communists, anarchists, labor activitists and leftists took May 1 to commemorate their struggles, it was widely celebrated by the masses. In some regions, it was considered a public holiday that included dancing, singing and yum—cake. In an attempt to bring back the traditional May Day, if only on a small scale, I gathered …