Tag «History»

Top ‘O the Mornin’

I was surprised to find I’ve never done a St. Patrick’s Day blog. So let’s share a wee bit ‘o history and decorations. St. Patrick was born in Roman Britain, kidnapped by Irish pirates and sold into slavery at age 16. He was forced to tend sheep for his master Milchu, an Irish pagan Druid …

My Return to Lonesome Dove

Do you remember the 1989 miniseries, Lonesome Dove? It was immensely popular at the time, drawing over 26 million viewers. Nominated for 18 Emmys, it won 7. My son became interested in the Lonesome Dove series of books after watching a recent western series called The English, an extremely dark tale where virtually everyone turned …

Episode Twelve—All Around Abbeville

We headed off to Abbeville, a tiny town off the beaten path. With Wendy and two of her children, we enjoyed a fabulous lunch at Indigenous Underground, a new hotspot recommended by local resident Brady who joined us for the day. I ordered southern eggs Benedict: biscuits and pepper gravy with pork and eggs. Oh …

Episode Nine—Check-out Time

I was kind of sad to leave our room. We developed a routine that was comfortable and entertaining. But check-out we did. We stowed our gear with the porter and took a short walk to the National Museum of the American Indian. Hardly anyone was there, although there were tons of busses of schoolchildren parked …

Episode Six—Memorial Day Parade

We set off for the National Archives and saw the founding documents: Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. No pictures were allowed in the building, but here’s what the Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom looks like: There was little else to see or do there. We walked through an exhibit about how …

Episode Five—Discovering D.C.

It was a gloomy day, no sun at all. We decided to try the Air and Space Museum. We’ve been going by the horrendous lines a block from our hotel, not knowing what they were. The museum has been undergoing remodeling and was completely closed for a time. Only about a third of it is …