Tag «quilts»

Episode Two—Navigating D.C.

I have a good sense of direction, so my first order of business on day two was getting myself straightened out. It helped to know my suspicion the hotel faced north was accurate. I presented myself to the front desk to try to make sense of the map they provided. Admitting their map was less …

In Search of Quirky

I remember the good old days when it was easy to find a nearby, quirky, fun store. Collectibles have become passe. People aren’t decorating their homes for holidays as they once did. All my eccentric little stores have fallen by the wayside. Even Barbara Cheatley’s went out of business last year. It seems antique stores …

The Pink and Red Edict

It’s funny the things I remember from my early childhood. We lived in a house on Hesby Street in North Hollywood, California, until I was four. While I don’t recollect much about that time, I recall the way the street lights shone on the front yard on hot summer nights. I remember the view from …