Tag «Vintage»

Before Dr. Spock

Long before Dr. Spock’s attempt to document the “correct” way to raise psychologically healthy children, many authors published medical science of the day for use by housewives. Knowing I was interested in times past, my mom brought me Wife and Mother or Information for Every Woman from my aunt’s yard sale. Published in 1886, the …

In Search of Quirky

I remember the good old days when it was easy to find a nearby, quirky, fun store. Collectibles have become passe. People aren’t decorating their homes for holidays as they once did. All my eccentric little stores have fallen by the wayside. Even Barbara Cheatley’s went out of business last year. It seems antique stores …

Summers Past and the Stash

As you know, I’ve been cleaning things out. I’m actually making steady, if slow, progress. It’s been fun to uncover treasures from my youth. I greatly enjoy the old photos I’ve been sorting. Thought I’d share with you. Having totally forgotten about this little treasure, it was a delight to come across my truly tiny …

Can Photographs Capture the Soul?

How do you feel about photographs? Do they fascinate you? Are you drawn to them? Most importantly, do you throw them away? I’m only asking because I cannot trash a picture. Recently, I read about an author who researched letters of men who traveled to the gold fields via wagon train. These men seemed completely …

Dating Advice

Recently, I found an article recommending couples should return to old ways of courtship to keep their relationship fresh and alive. Certain I’d discovered a source of vintage dating information, I eagerly read the seven points listed. I was quickly disappointed when all seven suggestions boiled down to one simple statement: put away the electronics …

Come Home to a Simpler Time and Fall in Love

That’s the motto for my books. Do you like it? I never felt comfortable categorizing them as romances. Although they all have a central romance, they are more about family and home. Unfortunately, there’s no category like that. This is how I picture Hannah’s table for Hollis’ first chicken dinner in her tidied-up kitchen. The …