Tag «Writing»

My Return to Lonesome Dove

Do you remember the 1989 miniseries, Lonesome Dove? It was immensely popular at the time, drawing over 26 million viewers. Nominated for 18 Emmys, it won 7. My son became interested in the Lonesome Dove series of books after watching a recent western series called The English, an extremely dark tale where virtually everyone turned …

Has Feminism Failed Women?

Recently ruminating about the commonality of all my books and blogs, I realized they’re about homemaking. In books, it’s making a new home or fitting into someone else’s. In blogs, it’s about the little ways I make my own home. I was reading an article about homemakers of today and the abuse they get from …

Before Dr. Spock

Long before Dr. Spock’s attempt to document the “correct” way to raise psychologically healthy children, many authors published medical science of the day for use by housewives. Knowing I was interested in times past, my mom brought me Wife and Mother or Information for Every Woman from my aunt’s yard sale. Published in 1886, the …


I entered a nationwide writing competition last year. The winner would be featured in a national publication. Runners up would have their work published on-line and in eBook format. The word limit was 3,000—a story much shorter than I normally write. After previewing my epic in my writing group, I sent it along to a …

My Editing Process

On to the nuts and bolts of my personal editing process. The first layer of editing happens after I’ve stepped away from my stories for a while so I can read them with a fresh eye. It’s always obvious my sentences are too wordy. I cut a lot of words out or substitute others. This …

Why I Write

For some, writing is a lifelong obsession. It might be poetry or short stories, or simply committing their daily activities to a diary. For me, writing is a recently acquired passion. There were indications I might be headed down this road. I always enjoyed writing letters and e-mails. Through the years, a few friends commented …